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Meet Lee

Graham “Lee” Hills is a long-time resident of Roswell and has  served six years on the board of the Habersham Downs neighborhood HOA.  She has been active for over 35 years leading non-profit organizations, community outreach and fundraising for philanthropic causes.  Her recent passion has been the President of the Roswell High School PTA, which includes successfully leading a team of 41+ volunteers in fund-raising, financial reporting, large-scale event coordination and leadership development that have benefited our beloved Roswell high school and the community at large. 

Lee is also very proud to be a founding board member of the Keller Williams non-profit Curtin Team Cares - their mission to provide an ear, shoulder, heart, hand, and the resources to empower the vulnerable and strengthen communities for all.  Some of their community outreach activities have included: supporting My Neighbors pantry that serves children and families in crisis, donations for Vickery Mill Elementary kids School Meal Program and the Tiny Houses program dedicated to preventing sexual exploitation of women in the Atlanta metro.  

Lee and her husband, Wes Hills, met while attending Auburn University.  After graduating from Roswell High School, her son Rapley now attends Auburn as well. Her daughter Graham is currently a student at Southern Union State Community College and plans to attend Auburn soon. Their family currently attends Restoration Church on Rucker Road.

Paid for by Lee Hills
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